Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 6, 2010

It used to be a diary, then a journal, now a blog, the name might have changed, but the idea is still the same, isn't it? It is really about sharing yourself, whether with a locked book, which was usually kept private, or with all of cyberspace, because of advancing technologies....

The photo is one of my mother, who is on the right hand side, and her younger sister. Wow, now that I am an adult, and I "put myself in their shoes", I realize things I never saw before, how their lives were so different than how mine turned out. My aunt doesn't know Jesus, and doesn't read the bible (to my knowledge), and my mother has passed away, but not without my husband leading her to the Lord, Thank God!

But they didn't know Jesus and The Bible, and how believers can pray and ask for hope and encouragement during tough times.

They both came from other countries to America, the "Land of Opportunity", without knowing Jesus.....

Without knowing Jesus, WOW, that is so huge..... If you know Jesus, you know so much hope....... and power...... What an amazing storehouse that your soul has to access to ~ Forever..

JOHN 3:16

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